Motorbike day in Bruneck
Our editorial team always tries to provide detailed and accurate information, but it is possible that events undergo changes that we are unable to update in real time. Exact details on dates, times and programmes can be obtained directly from the organiser.For the start of the new motorbike season, more precisely on 1st May, the association ASV Stegen since several years organizes an event that attracts bikers from all directions.
Whether vintage car Vespas or brand-new scooters, racy Ducatis or cool Harley-Davidsons, the traditional spring meeting on the marketplace of Stegen is a must for every biker!
The event begins at 9.30 a.m. with a hearty morning pint, at 11 am all participants start out for a round trip through the neighbouring villages Aufhofen and Dietenheim and through Bruneck back to Stegen. Afterwards, it is time for the probably most important part of the biker meeting: the consecration of the motorcycles.
Music and gastronomic stands that supply the motorcyclists with food and drinks complete the motorbike day.
Time: 09:30 o'clock